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Friday, May 21, 2010


its been one week since i arrived here in kch..nothing to do..juz sit at home and do all those house chores..routine goes all the same everyday..by the way Gawai is around the corner..mood nk sambut pun blum ada lg..feels like nothing..

By the way, thankz to mum for the attire dat im going to wear for the dinner 2morrow nite..it was called Pre-Gawai Dinner organised by the church..so i got myself a long dress..yah cant wait to wear it..hopefully everyting will be fine..Tuhan memberkati setiap bnda yang dibuat di atas Namanya..till then!

lots of hugs from me,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

little orange cat....

This was my cat.i think he was the longest one that stay with us..now he's gone..mummy said mybe he had been bitten by snake at the neighbourhood house.they said it might be a cobra...

To Roland Rengga, anang sedih2...ila pulai sibu ngiga baru......

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

apa pandangan anda???

Apakah pandangan kamu apabila ada kawan kamu ini berkata sebegini kpd kamu...
awak or kamu di bawah merujuk kepada saya (Rita)....here it goes

" Hey awak, i x suka la awak dekat2 or rapat2 dengan lelaki itu..i betul2 rasa cemburu..walau seminit pun mata i x suka lihat awak rapat dgn org itu"

so what do you think??? for me you are not mature enough to be the real person at your age...i have never had a fren that made such confession to me...not only dat..still got more..

klau hidup kat uni rasa2 2/10 saja kawan yg blh saya harapkan utk menjadi kwan btl2..yang lain smua x blh pakai...pakar hisap darah kawan ada la....

anyway, of all frens dat i have still my sis, Clare Freda Dan is the best fren and best sis ever in My life....

thankz for still with me untill now...love u...

oh by the way, im in kch alrdy.the flight went smoothly..the food was great and so the air steward.good looking and super freaking handsome^_^

ok rita signing out now..going sleep now ....zzzzzz

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

here i come....

so the final exam had just finished...all the stuffs also already moved to new house...and so here i am in Klia waiting for my fight to bring me back to sarawak at.....i will return to melaka this 6th july..see you again Melaka....

i will fly at 7pm...halo land of hornbill

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

tetap Kamu....

Aku ialah Hamba yang lemah.....betapa nasib ini tidak menyebelahi sesekali pun, masih juga aku percaya pada Mu....
kerana aku percaya bahawa Engkaulah segala sumber Kekuatan ku....dan
Aku akan terus percaya kepada Kamu sebagai Tuhan yang Maha Berkuasa di Dunia ini....

Yang Benar,