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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

again, again,and again.....

It seems that human never stop their cruelty towards animal especially animals like dogs..after the dog killing case in Batu Pahat a few months ago, the action of killing dogs continue..

The newly case that appeared now was the one posted by the Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) shows 1 video in facebook in which a few people in the scene are pouring gasoline on a poor little puppy in an abandoned place..

and the action never stops there..one of the person has been seen to light up a fire using a lighter on the dog fur...and you know what happen after that,

the poor little dog ran out of directions to save its own life's.after so much struggle against the hot burning fire on its body, lastly the poor pup died...what a sad thing to watch...

and from the language the people in the video speak , it was a foreign language some sort of Afghan or Arabic language..hopefully that case was not created here in Malaysia's..

no matter what religion you are possessing, you Still a sinner..no matter how frequent you PERFORM your prayer daily, you still a Fuck Holy Sinner to your god's and your own religion.

You can see from your eyeballs that any incident that happens either it is an earthquake, searching missing people, or among others, the dogs is the one people going to use..

some of the humans out there are still naive and useless because they never know how smart dogs are as compare to them!

To all loser a.ka dogs murderers out there, you will get back all your rude actions in your judgement at the end of your life!

I am glad that i was born in a religion that allows to keep dogs and in a family that loves dogs..

Saturday, July 2, 2011

life so far...

its already 1 week im in Kuching here..nothing much happen as i have not start any activity yet.for 1 week just stay at home doing house chores, playing with dogs, spending time wif mummy and relax , relax and relax..probably try going to join the Kuching City Hash next week..missing all the peeps in Melaka..see u soon guys!
