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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kau Telah MemilihKu

Kau Telah Memilihku
By : Jonathan Prawira

Kau telah memilihku
Sebelum Dunia dibentuk
Betapa aku bersyukur pada-Mu
Ya Tuhan Allahku

Kau telah memanggilku
Sebagai alat k'rajaan-Mu
Betapa aku bersyukur pada-Mu
Atas perbuatan-Mu


Jadikan aku bait suci-Mu
Yang kudus dan yang tiada bercela
Jadikan aku mezbah do-a-Mu
Bagi keselamatan bangsaku


now this what we call insomnia..it's already 5.30 am and i still cant sleep...having insomnia in the middle of exam week is really killing me....bad..bad...bad....

Thursday, April 22, 2010


23/4 CSC 413 a.ka Multimedia Interactive

27/4 CTU 551 a.k.a Tamadun Islam n Asia

28/4 ACC 114 Introduction to Accounting 1

4/5 Law 245 Malaysian legal System

6/5 Mat 112 Business Mathematics

8/5 ADS 410 Introduction to Public Sector and Quality Management

11/5............going back to kch...Yay...cant wait to return to my homeland.....

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Final examination is around the corner...have to prepare from now..don't leave everyting till last minute..i know i can do it...nothing is impossible if u believes yourself..

credit to google for the images

Saturday, April 17, 2010

it's her day...13th April

a few days after my dad's bday , my mom celebrated her bday on the 13th of April... such a great woman in the family...every single thing she does to me n the family i know she working very hard for it so that we get the best..

Though u always scold us for our naughtiness, yet you are the queen of our heart

lets tell some of it...

So lets take a flashback of what had happend a few weeks ago..On the 1st of April one of my family members had juz celebrated and turned 55 years old that is my dad...what should i say about him..same like other people, everyone is loving their dad..same goes to me..to me, he such a great hero to the family...he is a very hardworking person and the one that always gives hope to his children to the best in their studies..a few years back he had received 2 titles which reflects his successful achievemenst..everyone is proud of him. from his behaviour and attitude, he inspires me a lot..and for sure if he can go up to masters level, so do i.. one day i will become like u dad.. only for u!

below are some pics of him..



My name is Rita and this is my webpage...so it is up 2 me to write what i wan..i had deleted my other blog due to some problems with it.. ok i shall blog again after dis..still thinking what to post