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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Lovelies....

It's Christmas eve today..even though i'm away from my lovely mummy but still at least i have my brother here..he came all the way from Shah Alam to Melaka to accompany me besides Melaka is lovely place to celebrate Christmas than Shah Alam..nothing there..muahahaha!

Anyhow, the final exam is approaching and the first paper will be on 5th of January..taking a break for 1 2 days then i start my revision...

by then I really miss all the loved ones around me..family, friends and last but not least 'Him', who is million miles far away from me..will me u soon! ok, i have to go now..~till then~

lots of Love from me..

Monday, October 17, 2011


Hashing is one of the best activity to do on weekend after a week of hectic uni life...every sunday we run follow the paper trails in the jungle, swampy area(sometimes), hills and etc...chinese restaurant dinner after the run.after everyone finished eating the nite will not end there..we laugh, talk, asking each other silly questions..

so just now we had an activity called question and answer session.. a beer bottle will pass around the people who sit at the table..b4 u drink there will ask a question.

When it was my turn to be question one of the hasher asked me and the ques was like, "Rita, if u were to sleep with one man, how old you want him to be?..and my answer is..........hahahahaha..funny indeed it was a fun night..going to join on other sunday if i not busy..2morrow is monday. need to go back to work again!

Definitely a good stress reliever for me! hahah....

Sunday, October 2, 2011

oh is this true????

with numerous cases of murders, major break ins, petrol station robberies, acid splash cases where the culprits still remain unknown until now, the never solve cases of mat rempit doing chaos in midnight road, i really ponder and keep thinking how can some 'people' out there said that our country Malaysia is peace and the crime rates dropped ? its kinda ridiculous to me..moreover we want other countries to follow us as a good example of peace country?..i really need a hardcore genius head or expertise to explain all those topic maybe i will realize if our country is really peace or otherwise..
*correct me if i wrong*...

for more reading..

IGP: Others using peaceful Malaysia as example

Saturday, September 24, 2011

no title post..

Due to the busy tight schedule and workloads, its kinda hard for me to spare some time to exercise. almost everyday is the same thing happend..wake up go to class, go back to hostel and dinner and continue the work, and revision..student life's is so boring...but hey, if i walk the stairs to reach the 10th floor of my house in the apartment , it is also an exercise too rite?

I really want to have this type of body! muscular and sexy..is it hard to have it??

Thursday, September 22, 2011

what's up.....

So here i am blogging again as it seems so long i have abandoned this blog and my last post was at 13 July...i've disappeared for 1 and half month..me myself dont know what had happened..

Am i lost interest in blogging ? ..no..

did i found a new special partner that i abandoned my blog for so long...definitely no!

am i lack of idea? maybe yes, but not really i think...haha..*the results from lack of reading*

am i working that i've no time to blog? no also..then what on Earth am i doing for the past few months?....

But anyway, as usual i've been doing so well in life right now..The poor and slow internet connection in this place called msia made me lost my interest in blogging ..but anyway, in July i was at home becoming a very good 'fulltime housewife' to the family..and somewhere around august,me and my brother we travelled to Indonesia..we've made our way to the beautiful paradise island called Lombok...

My friends was quite shocked when i told them that i've been to Lombok, as everyone knows that Lombok is the place where almost all 'anak dara Malaysia' Suffered as they ran away from home to follow their Lombok boyfriend or husband..it was poor place to live in..but all people know la that the whole Indonesia country is not a rich and develop country..oh i ran away from the topic already..

so the reason we went there was because of the beach..and yes, it was so beautiful than the beach we have in Msia..haha..am i look down on my own country? no! we travelled in Indonesia for about 10days..landed on Denpasar(Bali) and to Lombok for 5 days, Ubud 3 and Bali 2 days...so here the pics.....

we stayed at Bali for 1 night b4 heading to Lombok next day..

the ferry leaving Padang Bai..it took 4 hours to reach Lombok

and finally we arrived!

round shape sand...

I'm short.only 156cm tall only..never qualify to bcome a model.*very poor*...so i just did my own photoshoot lah..hahahahaha..

So, the next day we walked about 5km to Tanjung Aan, oval shape beach..
climbed the hill until we reached the top...

from here, you can see different angle of the beach,

the last day.....
The next destination...Ubud..

our guesthouse

crowded beach of Kuta Bali
not so relaxing...everywhere is crowded!

our last destination for the trip, Bali

more pictures in facebook..since i already know how to get there, i will probably go there next time..Lombok i mean..To all the Malaysian out there, Bali is not the only place u can spend yr holiday..try to go other places e.g. Lombok, Gili, and not to forget the island of the giant komodo lizard, Flores..the more u explore, the more knowledge u will gain! and not just spending yr money in Bali..

lots of Loves from the me^_^..till then!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

again, again,and again.....

It seems that human never stop their cruelty towards animal especially animals like dogs..after the dog killing case in Batu Pahat a few months ago, the action of killing dogs continue..

The newly case that appeared now was the one posted by the Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) shows 1 video in facebook in which a few people in the scene are pouring gasoline on a poor little puppy in an abandoned place..

and the action never stops there..one of the person has been seen to light up a fire using a lighter on the dog fur...and you know what happen after that,

the poor little dog ran out of directions to save its own life's.after so much struggle against the hot burning fire on its body, lastly the poor pup died...what a sad thing to watch...

and from the language the people in the video speak , it was a foreign language some sort of Afghan or Arabic language..hopefully that case was not created here in Malaysia's..

no matter what religion you are possessing, you Still a sinner..no matter how frequent you PERFORM your prayer daily, you still a Fuck Holy Sinner to your god's and your own religion.

You can see from your eyeballs that any incident that happens either it is an earthquake, searching missing people, or among others, the dogs is the one people going to use..

some of the humans out there are still naive and useless because they never know how smart dogs are as compare to them!

To all loser a.ka dogs murderers out there, you will get back all your rude actions in your judgement at the end of your life!

I am glad that i was born in a religion that allows to keep dogs and in a family that loves dogs..

Saturday, July 2, 2011

life so far...

its already 1 week im in Kuching here..nothing much happen as i have not start any activity yet.for 1 week just stay at home doing house chores, playing with dogs, spending time wif mummy and relax , relax and relax..probably try going to join the Kuching City Hash next week..missing all the peeps in Melaka..see u soon guys!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Naughty 21 birthday....

i would like to say countless of thankz to all that made it happening, my brother, rocky,lucky, steve, josh and etc..its such a blast.a day that i would remember for the rest of my life.