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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

fuck you bitch!

I really dont know what happen to the people nowadays..
talk whatever you want without think twice..bitch!!!
do you ever wonder or care about other people feelings when you talk to them?
the answer is clearly NO..
that you!

You dont even mind your words when someone saying something seriously..what you did was making fool of it..i dont even bother to laugh at your joke that you are making..you look foolish..only fool people that have mental problem will laugh at your joke but not ME..

mixing with all these kind of people is just giving me tension..i dunno why some of us already reach age 22 and 23 but still your attitude are just like a moron..i dunno where on earth i can express my feelings so that i know somebody out there is taking of me..

This is due to my mistake for being so nice to people but in return i hardly get the same things i did to them..you no need to give a present or any surprise party to show your kindness to me, but what i want is your attitude..your care..your honesty..it seems that some of us really dont know what is the real meaning of friendship..really disappointed..sigh....

Sunday, February 20, 2011


im so bored today..wake up late.then tidy up room a bit. then went out did some groceries shopping.. this week is going a busy week for me. 1 presentation 1 test countless homework etc.so freaking tired... but still need to stdy..good night world..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

open your eyes la people...dun simply say

Adapted from The Star, 11 February 2011

Valentine's Day not Christian celebration, say churches

PETALING JAYA: Valentine’s Day is a secular observance that is not celebrated religiously by churches in Malaysia or worldwide, said the Council of Churches of Malaysia.

Its general secretary Reverend Dr Herman Shastri said the National Fatwa Council had erred when it referred to Valentine’s Day as a Christian observance and has hurt the feelings of Christians in Malaysia.

“To suggest that Valentine’s Day is observed by Christians is unfair and misleading.

“Although the word ‘Valentine’ draws some connection to St Valentine, the church’s authorities have not endorsed the connection, be it Roman Catholic or Protestant,” he said in a statement in reference to an article on Valentine's Day posted on the website of the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim).

The website described Valentine's Day as: “The practice of celebrating the day of love (Valentine’s Day) has not been recommended by Islam. (The) spirit (of the) festival has elements of Christianity and the practice is mixed with immoral acts (and) are prohibited by Islam that clearly contradicts the belief, Sharia and Islamic morality. Therefore, Muslims are prohibited from engaging in celebrating the day.”

Dr Shastri said the council appealed to the authorities to repeal such hurting inferences that Christianity promotes sexual promiscuity because of Valentine’s Day observance, often made in the media and in the said Fatwa.

Christian Federation of Malaysia chairman Bishop Ng Moon Hing said Christians in Malaysia were hurt by statements linking Valentine’s Day to sin and Christianity.

Ng said statements with a tendency to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility against any particular religious community should not be tolerated.

On Wednesday, PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hasan Tantawi was quoted as saying that the Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor governments had directed all local authorities to work closely with police and Rela in order to carry out operations to check immoral activities during Valentine’s Day.

On Thursday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom said the National Fatwa Council had, in 2005, decreed that Muslims should refrain from celebrating Valentine’s Day, as it was not part of Islamic practices.

He added the Jakim would launch an anti-Valentine’s Day campaign on Friday.

Well-known motivator Siti Nor Bahyah Mahamood had also commented on Valentine's Day saying "immoral activities, partying and unmarried couples associating in private are traditions of the Christian community".

Friday, February 11, 2011

halo world

it's been a long time i didnt post anything.lack of idea and mood.maybe?

this semester is quite tough..group assignmt member also behave not the same as before.some are getting more hard-working, and some getting more lazy.. and some couldn't handle some tough topic..well, it is the process of learning. there must be something wrong with you if you complaint about it..

this sunday will be my sister birthday..she is

Clare Freda Dan...
13th February 1990

you will turn 21 years old this sunday...
enjoy your life with your love one.
i always pray for you..